Montag, 29. November 2004
Backnanger Blogdichte nimmt durch Zuzug zu
Ein allerherzliches Willkommen rüber zu Christian Heindel

oben von tempa in Blogs der Region um 02:47h| 1 Kommentar |comment

Plazes: offener WLAN-Spot in Backnang gesichtet
another unprotected wlan, Backnang wird auf gemeldet, einem neuen Dienst, der Orte mit Menschen in Verbindung bringt. Im "About" heißt es:
This is Plazes

Plazes is the first global location-aware interaction and geo-information system, connecting you with the people and Plazes in your area and all over the world. It is the navigation system for your social life.

Plaze = Location + People

A Plaze is a physical location with a local network - private or public, wired or unwired. A Plaze constitutes of the information about the actual location like pictures, comments and mapping information, as well as the people currently online at that Plaze.

via Martin Röll

oben von tempa in Internetpforten um 01:10h| 0 Kommentare |comment